Monday, February 18, 2008

Eating and packing....

This past Saturday officially ended my tenure as a Pharmacy technician and although I was sad about leaving, I had time to reflect on the memories made with my co-workers. It has been such a pleasure working with all of them and we've had a blast. I don't think I've ever worked with a group of people who have been so caring and supportive of each other. Ugh, I hate saying goodbye.

As a final farewell, the lot of us went out to dinner last night at a fine Mexican establishment where we cruised down memory lane and told silly stories over chips and salsa. I've gone out to eat with friends more times in the past two months than I have in... probably my entire life. I don't know if the Peace Corps will want me if I've gained another 30 pounds. All that hiking in the Atlas Mountains should pay off.

Now that all of the eating is done I still have a ton to do before I leave. Packing for two years is not easy, especially when you're working with a 100 pound weight limit. I guess I can cross off the 15 pounds of books I had on my list. I did manage to get something done from my list. I figured out how to post blogs. Sweet.

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